Saint Teresa of Calcutta is recognized as one of the most influential figures of the 20th Century. Her biblical calling led her to serve in the most impoverished parts of India, where she and her missionaries faced epidemic levels of...
In every culture and religion around the world, rituals around death and grief are an important part of an organized society. Often these cultural norms are tied with religious beliefs, including the beliefs around what happens after a person dies....
Although St. Anne is not directly mentioned in the New Testament, she played a vital role in the story of the Nativity. Recorded as Hannah in Hebrew, Anne is the mother of the Virgin Mary, therefore the maternal grandmother of...
At Global Bronze, we are witnessing a transformation of our customer’s markets and their modus operandi. The traditional business models used in the funeral industry no longer align with consumer demand, and operators are scrambling to compete in the modern...
Once viewed as a rogue alternative to traditional funerals, cremation has earned its place in mainstream culture. The Cremation Association of North America’s annual trends report showed the number of families choosing cremation over traditional burial shows a steady growth...